Monday, January 11, 2010

Dios mio... una semana más!


As most of you know, I've had this crazy, maybe even kind of weird obsession with the Spanish language since I was about 14. After four years of high school Spanish and nearly three years of college Spanish, I am finally ready to put all my foreign language knowledge to use. Exactly one week from today, I will be sitting on a plane which will take me to Houston, which will then connect to another flight bringing me to my final destination, Quito, Ecuador. Why Ecuador you ask and not some tropical paradise like Argentina or or a crazy party country like Spain?! Well... my trip to Ecuador will consist of two portions... I will be spending the first half of the semester in Quito with a family I still know nothing about (scary!) and will be taking a variety of classes at a local school. After the first half as well as my spring break (which my mom will be coming down for :)) I will then have a service-learning internship focusing on whatever topic within the country that I choose, in ANY part of the country. The service learning was what attracted me to this program, because I want to get a deeper understanding of a new culture and experience firsthand how Ecuadorians view the world differently than we do in the close-minded United States.

So although I still have no idea about the family I'll be staying with, no idea where I'll be for the second part of the semester, NO IDEA what incredible experiences lay ahead of me, or how exactly I am going to pack my life into two bags, I do know for sure that I will be missing all of you and thinking of you constantly. I will try to update my little online diary as frequently as possible, I just don't know how often I'll have internet connection... So until then, mucho amor para todos :)

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