Sunday, January 24, 2010

¡mis sentidos locos!


believe it or not, i've almost made it a whole week here. a week ago today, i had sooo many things running through my head because there was still so much that i didn't know. know, although i'm here, my thoughts are still running like crazy. it truly has been a roller coaster of emotions since my arrival here. obviously at first i was nervous and excited. after meeting my family, i was worried about if they liked me, if i was being polite enough, if i was being politically correct in their culture, etc. some days i feel super confident and fearless about all my adventures, and other days i just get so frustrated because i can't convey exactly what i mean to my family and my professors. in addition to experiencing all sorts of new feelings, i'm also experimenting with new foods, and as all of you know, i'm a super picky eater, so trying new foods has really been a stretch for me.

this past weekend my school group went to a city called San Miguel de Los Bancos and it was the most beautiful trip i've ever been on. i've been very fortunate to go on incredible trips in the past to exotic locations, but i can honestly say that this trip was the most gorgeous one i've ever been on. we hiked through the rain forest, swam in waterfalls and were accompanied by incredible people. we learned all about the climates and about living on the equator and how important it is to keep our earth clean. we had a lot of team building exercises too, which at some times felt like i was back at camp whitcomb with the soccer team doing lame ice breakers, but at the same time i learned a lot about the people that i'm in school with. it's just so cool to be in a room with 30 people who have the same hopes, dreams and ambitions as you do... it inspires you and reaffirms you that you're doing the right thing. only bad thing about that trip is that i can't find my camera as of now, which had incredible pictures on it. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that a friend found it on the bus or something.

today, i went with my family to my host mom's mom's for a lunch with all their extended family. it is just so sweet to me that the people of ecuador are so welcoming and affectionate. they don't refer to their husbands, wives and children with such titles, but as "mi vida" o "mi amor" meaning my life and my love. instead of shaking hands, they kiss each other on the cheek regardless of if you know each other or not. to end things, i've included some pictures of my host siblings and me from photobooth. i'm missing you all a lot and hoping you know i'm thinking of you :) much amor por todo!

1 comment:

  1. Er, your host sibs are ADORABLE! I can't wait to hear more about them. Find that camera, girl, because I'm expecting some epic scrapbooking when we're back!! :)
