Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Estoy Aqui :)

Hola Amigos!

I don´t have a lot of time, but just wanted to inform you all that I have made is safely and am LOVING quito so far... I have met sooo many wonderful people who are so passionate about the same things I am, so it´s really refreshing! so to make a long story short, after a three hour flight to houston, a 5 hour flight to quito and a bus ride, we made it here two nights ago and stayed in a quite interesting hotel. the next day we woke up, had breakfast, and ventured off to our school. our school is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.. It´s brand new as of december and located on the top of a hill so you can see all of the town from the balcony.. truly incredible. after a long day at school, our families then came to pick us up. any guys readind this, be jealous... i think i have the most beautiful latina woman i have ever seen as my host mom. she is 30 years old and teaches enlish at a preschool. my dad is very guapo as well! he owns a pizza shop and does some marketing on the side too... the children couldn´t be cuter... when i got there the 3 year old had just gotten back from ballet and the 8 year old had just returned from soccer.. too darm cute! this morning i woke up, had breakfast with my familia and then my host dad went on the bus with me to show me how to get to my school everyday... WAY different than transportation in the US! we sat through a couple hours of class today and then a bunch of us girls ventured out to get some lunch. we stumbled upon a cute ¨panderia¨where we all got a roll of some sort, yogurt and juice... all for $1.10!! so that´s all for now... love you all MUCHO :)

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